Contoh Menceritakan Hobi Kita Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Hobi saya adalah membeli buku pelajaran baru. Terutama, ensiklopedi atau buku cerita. Saya biasanya pergi ke toko buku dengan teman-teman saya Gusti, Mulya dan Yadi.

My hobby is buying new textbooks. Especially, encyclopedias or books. I usually go to the bookstore with my friends Gusti, Mulya and Yadi.

Pertama-tama, kita membuat janji. Selanjutnya, kita pergi bersama ke toko buku. Setelah itu, saya cek buku pelajaran baru dari arsip toko yang berada di komputer. Kemudian, aku mulai mencarinya di rak. Hal ini menyenangkan, Anda tahu ?, Mereka membuat saya sangat senang. Kami pulang sebelum gelap.

First of all, we make a promise. Next, we went together to the bookstore. After that, I check the new textbooks from the archive store that is in the computer. Then, I started looking on the shelf. It's fun, you know?, They make me very happy. We return before dark.

3 komentar

18 Juli 2013 pukul 07.28

Saya mempunyai tiga hobi. Yang pertama hobi saya adalah menonton film Naruto. Kisah Naruto sungguh menarik dan seru. Saya menonton Naruto di Youtube dan Naruchigo. Di handphone saya mempunyai lima film Naruto dari episode yang berbeda. Episode yang paling saya sukai adalah episode yang ke 315. Episode tersebut bercerita tentang Naruto melawan temanya sendiri yang bernama Yota. Dan masih banyak lagi kisah-kisah Naruto. Sekian dan terima kasih. Menonton film Naruto.

I have three hobbies. The first of my hobbies is watching movies Naruto. Naruto story was interesting and exciting. I watch Naruto on Youtube and Naruchigo. On the phone I have five Naruto movies from different episodes. My favorite episode is the episode that to 315. The episode tells the story of Naruto against its own theme named Yota. And there are many more stories of Naruto. That's all and thank you. Watch Naruto movie.

18 Juli 2013 pukul 07.31

I have three hobbies. The first of my hobbies is watching movies Naruto. Naruto story was interesting and exciting. I watch Naruto on Youtube and Naruchigo. On the phone I have five Naruto movies from different episodes. My favorite episode is the episode that to 315. The episode tells the story of Naruto against its own theme named Yota. And there are many more stories of Naruto. That's all and thank you. Watch Naruto movie.

2 Februari 2016 pukul 05.50

Bagus sekali,sangat membantu .terima kasih

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